🦣Extinct animals Series_絶滅動物シリーズ🦖
🌈title: Sabre toothed tiger_Sunny
🪣Material: Acrylic on wood canvas
🖌Technic : Semi 3D Yoshikazu artworks
🎨Artist:Yoshikazu KAJIKAWA
💻Official URL:https://yoshikazoo.com/sabre-toothed-tiger_sunny/
📩For orders and inquiries about my work, please contact me here→ https://yoshikazoo.com/contact/

🇬🇧↓ English is below ↓ 🇺🇸

🌋I have begun creating artwork that depicts extinct animals—creatures that have vanished from the Earth. These animals, long gone, have been discovered in modern times, preserved in melted permafrost or found as fossils. From these discoveries, we can determine their physical build, colors, and even the atmosphere of the world they once inhabited.
However, we can never see them move or live again in our time. This feeling of wanting to see them but being unable to evokes a sense of melancholy. I reflected on their presence on this Earth in the past and created this piece with a playful and artistic touch.
While thinking about extinct animals can be somber, I approached this work with a different mindset. Rather than focusing on the sadness, I wanted to express the romance of ancient Earth in a bright and lively way.
🐈⬛This time, I’ve depicted a saber-toothed tiger patrolling the land while enjoying the sight of a smoking volcano in the background.

#絶滅動物 #古代生物 #噴煙 #永久凍土 #Aiには描けない #アート #半立体 #動物アート #アクリルアート #サーベルタイガー #アート好きな人と繋がりたい #現代アート #火山 #太古のロマン #自然の美しさ #extinctanimals #prehistoricart #fossilart #permafrost #dinosaurart #artwork #3dart #animalart #acrylicart #sabertoothedtiger #artlovers #contemporaryart #creativeart #ancientromance #naturalbeauty