🌈title: T-REX_Blue
🪣Material: Acrylic on wood canvas
🖌Technic : Semi 3D Yoshikazu artworks
🎨Artist:Yoshikazu KAJIKAWA
💻Official URL:https://yoshikazoo.com/t-rex_blue/
📩For orders and inquiries about my work, please contact me here→ https://yoshikazoo.com/contact/

🇬🇧↓ English is below ↓ 🇺🇸

🌎Though ancient creatures once inhabited the same Earth as we do, we will never have the chance to encounter them. Only a few remnants of their lineage have survived to the present day. Fossils provide us with a glimpse into these ancient beings, and I have now developed a new way to express them through my art.
🦖Rather than depicting them with a stone-like texture, I chose to represent them with delicate and intricate details. I focused on ensuring that the form would appear beautiful even when viewed from the side. This piece features one of my favorite dinosaurs, the Tyrannosaurus.
Now, I must consider the process of creating this work—specifically, how to represent something that has been “petrified.” Since my original technique has no precedent, I needed to develop a new method of expression entirely on my own. After much thought, I arrived at the technique used in this latest piece.
#アクリル画 #Aiには描けない #半立体アート #ティラノサウルス #化石 #古代生物 #恐竜アート #アート #AIには出来ない #古代生物 #ターナー色彩 #AcrylicPainting #WhatAICantDraw #Semi3DArt #TyrannosaurusRex #Fossils #AncientCreatures #DinosaurArt #Art #WhatAICantDo #AncientLife #PeintureAcrylique #CeQueAILePeutPasDessiner #ArtSemi3D #TyrannosaurusRex #Fossiles #CréaturesAnciennes #ArtDinosaures #Art #CeQueAILePeutPasFaire #VieAncienne