🌈title: Triceratops_Yellow
🪣Material: Acrylic on wood canvas
🖌Technic : Semi 3D Yoshikazu artworks
🎨Artist:Yoshikazu KAJIKAWA
💻Official URL:https://yoshikazoo.com/triceratops_yellow/
📩For orders and inquiries about my work, please contact me here→ https://yoshikazoo.com/contact/

🇬🇧↓ English is below ↓ 🇺🇸

🦖The ancient creatures of the past evoke a sense of wonder and romance. Most of them have gone extinct, leaving behind fossils as their only trace. From these fossils, we can determine their skeletal structures and then imagine what their full forms might have looked like. When a species goes extinct, we lose the chance to ever hear its calls or touch it again.
Extinction is not just a relic of the past; it is a pressing issue even in our modern world. My work is a reflection on this, serving as a reminder of the fragility of life.
Now, I must turn my attention to the creation process itself—specifically, how to express something that has “petrified.” Since my original technique has no precedent, I need to develop a new method of expression on my own. After much thought, I arrived at the technique used in this latest piece.

#Triceratops #Yellow #AcrylicOnCanvas #WoodCanvas #Semi3DArt #YoshikazuKajikawa #ExtinctAnimals #AncientCreatures #Fossils #DinosaurArt #SkeletonArt #ContemporaryArt #ArtWork #CopperplateEngraving #RomanticismArt #トリケラトプス #黄色 #アクリル画 #木製キャンバス #AIには描けない #能一 #絶滅動物 #古生物 #化石 #恐竜アート #多分私だけ #現代美術 #アート作品 #ターナー色彩 #ロマン